Professional Development with Life Education Trust Counties Manukau

Registrations are now full for this event.
Life Education Trust would like to invite teachers to a free professional development event hosted by Life Education Trust Counties Manukau.
When: 12 August 2021, 4.00 - 5.30pm
Where: Papatoetoe Intermediate
We hope you can join us for this very informative session with our guest speaker – Goldie Hamilton (National Manager, Anxiety NZ)
Anxiety is a normal human emotion, and all children experience it, however some tamariki feel worried or anxious so often that it interferes with their day-to-day life.
Teachers play an enormously important role in supporting students with anxiety but many teachers tell us that they need to better understand anxiety and the action to take in order to feel equipped to help their students feel safe and comfortable.
Life Education is pleased to introduce our subject expert speaker, Goldie Hamilton. Goldie has a Masters in Health Psychology and trains and manages the Anxiety NZ Helpline team. She is passionate about spreading awareness and increasing anxiety management skills within the community. Goldie has a wealth of knowledge to share and will provide information on the wide range of anxiety disorders that tamariki and rangatahi may experience. She will describe the support that teachers can offer to help anxious students.
Join us for this free professional development session, specifically for teachers, who want to know more about anxiety and what we can do to support our tamariki and rangatahi.