What we teach

We utilise a shared planning approach with schools to create individualised lessons to suit the needs of tamariki. Our teaching strands have been developed based on the four key challenges that tamariki face to their health and wellbeing while growing up. Our teaching could cover content across five key strands: identity and resilience, relationships and communities, food and nutrition, human biology, and substances.

What We Teach

Click on the questions below to see overviews of the content options we can offer to meet the needs of your students. The more information you can share with your Educator, the more personalised we can make our teaching.

Filter the programme to refine your selection.


  • Personal Health & Physical Development
    • select strand
    • select strand
    • select strand
    • select strand
  • Movement Concepts & Motor Skills
    • select strand
    • select strand
    • select strand
    • select strand
  • Relationships with Other People
    • select strand
    • select strand
    • select strand
  • Healthy Communities & Environments
    • select strand
    • select strand
    • select strand
    • select strand
select lesson strand
select lesson strand
select lesson strand
select lesson strand
select lesson strand

How can I tell from the packaging whether food is healthy or not?

Why is it important to eat food throughout the day?

What makes a good leader?

Why is it important to show empathy towards others?

Why is it important to think about how we communicate with others online?

How can we manage our big emotions?

What makes me different?

Why is physical activity good for our bodies?

What benefits are there in delaying our decisions?

What are feelings?

How can we show resilience?

What can we do when we have problems?

How do the decisions I make online and/or offline affect me and others?

Why might we react and respond differently to our world and those around us?

How do we make good decisions?

How can we take care of our hauora (wellbeing)?

What are the impacts of the decisions we make?

How do we know what other people could be feeling?

How do we keep ourselves safe?

How do we change as we get older?

Why is the air we breathe important to us?

What does it take to be part of a team?

What is peer pressure and how can we deal with it?

Where can I go for help?

Why are my reputation and identity important?


You can read more here about Life Education's graduate profile, inquiry model and linkages with the New Zealand Curriculum.