Rotorua Area

Rotorua Trust

Life Education Trust NZ's Rotorua Educator Lauren Harris


Life Education Trust Rotorua Area has been successfully delivering the Life Education programme to children of the Rotorua Area for the past 29 years. We provide the children of Rotorua the knowledge and skills to lead healthier lives.

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Our people

Lauren Gretener (Educator)

Kia ora, my name is Lauren and I am thrilled to be working alongside Harold to deliver the Healthy Harold programme to schools across the Rotorua area. As a fully registered and qualified teacher, I’m passionate about helping students build strong foundations for lifelong health and wellbeing. Having grown up in Rotorua myself, I experienced the Life Education programme from Year 1 through to Year 8, and I’m excited to now bring this invaluable learning to the next generation.

We deliver a wide range of lessons that cater to the diverse needs of our tamariki and kura, ensuring that each lesson is engaging, relevant, and adaptable to the unique contexts of every school we visit. I believe Life Education is an invaluable resource that helps foster resilience, confidence, and a deep understanding of personal wellbeing from an early age. I’m honoured to be part of a programme that empowers young minds and supports the hauora of our future generations.

Jules McLaughlin (Chairperson)

Kia Ora. I have been teaching in Rotorua for 21 years. I feel very privileged to have been a part of the  Life Education Trust since 2014. We have a fantastic team of Trustees who work hard to ensure that the wonderful work Life Ed can continue in our beautiful city. I have seen first-hand, the overwhelmingly positive response our tamariki have to Life Education. The visits to the mobile classroom are something special and Harold is such a well-known character for young and old. If you see us out and about in the community, be sure to say hello.

Viv Sutton (Trustee) 

Kiaora koutou. I’m stoked to be part of the awesome team that supports Life Education Rotorua. Our Trust have been working hard for 29 years to help tamariki be happier and healthier and teaching them how to make informed, considered decisions. Both of my children have had the benefit of being in the mobile classroom taking part in  Life Education lessons, and loved getting the chance to see Harold. I look forward to continue being part of the Trust and supporting the great work they do in the Rotorua area.

Sue Baty (Trustee)

I am a Director of Avid Business Agency Limited and we provide sponsorship of the bookkeeping and accounting services for the Trust. We are passionate about building and enabling economic, social, cultural and environmental opportunities for all organisations. Avid is privileged to support this local organisation.

Debbie Graham (Trustee)
Ngapuhi, Ngati Ruanui

Kia ora Koutou,
I am pleased to have recently joined the awesome Rotorua Life Education Trust team, supporting the amazing mahi they do.
I am passionate about any kaupapa that supports our tamariki to be better informed, and helping them to make healthier and safer choices.
All the children in our whānau have loved Harold coming to school, and enjoyed taking part in the lessons in the mobile classroom. All children should have access to this wonderful resource.

Jason Henwood (Trustee)

I have lived and worked in Rotorua for nearly 20 years and I have seen first hand the awesome work that Life Education does. My children loved visiting the mobile classroom
and were always excited to share what they had learnt. I am excited for my grandchildren to have the same experience one day. It is great to be a part of such a hard-working group of trustees that are ensuring that the important work of Life Education can continue in Rotorua for many years to come.

Fisher Wang (Trustee)
(Profile to come)

Contact details

Chairperson: Jules McLaughlin, [email protected]
Educator: Lauren Gretener, 0223991477, [email protected]